Friday, September 27, 2013


Part of the the depression I sure I am feel about my current position is simply the fact that I feel like there is no "out" here.  No matter what plans I try to come up with, they also circle back to the fact that it feels like I have no time to do anything.

Bogha Frois has been encouraging me for some time now to do one thing a day to get started.  There are days where this seems impossible but every day she keeps encouraging me:  one thing.  Do one thing.

So I decided to make a list of my assets.

The list started simply enough:  in digging through a desk drawer I found a headpiece for the computer that was still in the bag - the sort you can use for online calls or learning.  Internet, of course.  My laptop.

But as I continued I found the list expanding:  hand tools.  Gardening Tools.  Library of books on specific subjects.  Garden area.  A small pad in my back yard one could put an open outbuilding on.  A harp.  Bokutos.  Cheese making equipment.  Before I realized it, I had constructed a list - not so much of things that were just around, but things that had the potential to be used for something.

My intention is to expand this list to other areas:  skills and abilities and expertise.  From here, my hope is that I can use this to begin to generate ideas for some sort of alternate plan.

Is it likely that my hand tools or even my small pad will help me generate income?  Not necessarily.  But what I did find is that it generated a great deal of thought about how I could use these items. 

And figuring how one can use something is the first step in one learning to use something.

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