Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Running After Boston

I"ll go running again this morning.

It will probably be like every other morning I run.  It will be dark.  It is cooler than it was yesterday (just stuck my head out the door) so the chance that I will be wringing with sweat will be less.

I'll head out of here in a bit, pounding the pavement in the early morning air with probably not a thought in the world except putting one foot in front of the other and trying to avoid landing my foot at the wrong angle and possibly even give my time a consideration.  I'll dodge around cars and move to the side to accomodate the early morning dog walkers, smell the smoke of the occasional first cigarette and ponder what the weather will be like today.  All as it should be.

The thing I would not have considered - the thing I should not have to think about - is thought of an explosion going off as I round the corner to finish.  That is because no-one in their right mind should have to consider the possibility of such a thing.

I did not, and I am sure a great many people yesterday did not as well - until Boston happened.

Now, everywhere, every race will be touched with concern.  Racers and runners this weekend will approach the course with perhaps a touch of apprehension.  Somewhere on every course will be the thought by at least someone "Is there something there?  Are we safe? Is this Boston again?"

I am not a one man army. I am not an investigator.  I am not a first responder.  There are a great many things which I cannot do.

But there is one thing I can do, one act of defiance I can offer to those who seek to haunt and terrify with fear.

I can continue to run.

We can continue to run.

Catch us if you can.

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