Monday, June 04, 2012

Three Years

Yesterday was my three year anniversary of moving to New Home.

Interestingly, The Ravishing Mrs. TB and I were discussing this very weekend the fact that overall, this move has been good. Na Clann have really blossomed in their school and their activities.  The Ravishing Mrs. TB has made new friends, become heavily involved in Girl Scouts and the girls' school and was able to find a part time job to accommodate this.  We are involved in a good church.  We have a plethora of animals that we probably never would have had if we had not moved.

The only less than desirable thing, honestly, has been how my career has worked out.

I idly wonder, in off moments, about what would have been.  What if I had not made the leap to the company that went out of business, that I was still working where I had worked.  I'm pretty sure I would still have a job - but I would also have the 1.5 hour commute in the morning and 2 hour commute in the afternoon, all with gas prices about 1/3 again what I was paying before I left.  Yes, we would still have our house (but be terribly underwater) and yes, we would be much nearer our family - but the other opportunities might not be there, and I'm not sure my career would be any better than what it is now.

So how do I evaluate the impact of the move?  Good for everyone else?  Okay for me?  If the reverse were true - good for me, not so good for everyone else - would that make it justifiably better?

I suppose, on the whole, the correct view to take is the since everyone seems to be doing well, we view it as a package, not with its individual components.  Everyone is doing well - and I'm doing okay - so overall it's a good thing.

The fact that I have these curious longing and faint sighings are, I suppose, such a thing that need only be borne by myself.

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